Saturday, September 1, 2018

How To Add " Copy To Clipboard " In Blogspot/Blogger Posts And Pages

Hello all of my visitors , in this post , I have brought a very useful post for a blogger. It may be very important and very less advertised in the Google. You can use " copy to clipboard " because to share your code or let users to copy code from your blog easily. Follow and read all the steps nicely so that you can understand all the steps and easily apply on your blog or website. Follow and apply all the process properly and of still you get any problem relating adding " copy to clipboard " , fell free to comment below :

1. Browse " " And SignIn With Your Blogger Account

First of all , you need a supported browser like Google Chrome or Mozzila Firefox. I mostly recommend you to use Google Chrome because while using chrome , you will not get any problem while browsing any website. It is fully supported and fast browsing browser. Now , browse " ". It will ask you to signin and create a blog , select signin and login with your gmail , register with blogger.

2. Seclct New Post / Edit Exciting Post.

Now , after you login to your blogger account , now you can create a new post or you can also edit your previous posts where you want to add copy to clipboard option. You can add a new post to add a new page or post for your site. Like : If you want to sell your blog's advertisement , you have a code to provide users to provide a code or you can edit your exciting post to convert text code to a standard box code.

3. Now , Click On HTML ( Beside " Compose " )

After you add a new post or edit exciting post , you are under compose window which means to write and add something to your post but HTML is used to add code. So , you need to paste the below HTML code in other HTML code which is located beside the compose window.

4. Paste The below Code In Your Post And Hit Publish/Save

After you click on HTML , now , paste the below code and paste the below code where you want to add copy to clipboard.

Code :

<br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span class="control-copytextarea" onclick="return fieldtoclipboard.copyfield(event, 'select1')">Select All</span><br /><div style="text-align: center;"></div><br /><textarea cols="55" id="select1" name="txt" rows="100" style="border: 1px dotted blue; height: 50px; margin: 0px; width: 350px;" wrap="VIRTUAL"> write your text here </textarea></div>

After you paste the above code , now you have to publish/save.
Remember after you paste the above code , don't edit your post in compose window , first you have to publish/save and then you can re-edit your post in HTML or compose , you wish.

5. All Done , You Have Successfully Added " Copy To Clipboard " To A Post/Page

Now you can see your page/post , you have successfully added copy to clipboard option on your blog/website. This post is may very useful to new as well as old blogger.

So , in this post , we have deal about how to add a copy to clipboard option on your blogger posts/pages. Now , if you have any problem relating to this post or any problem while pasting the code , read this post again nicely if again the same problem occur , feel free to comment below.
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