1. Always Upload Real And Useful Posts.
You need to upload only real posts so that more users attrect to your blog and take your blog as a trusted and positive way.If you dont know about a particular topic , then please don't write about that. If you dont know about a single topic and you are writing more and more about that then if a user enter into your blog and he/she apply that process and if your process is not working , they never enter into your blog by thinking that it is a fake posted blog. And uploading useful posts is also very important because if you upload unuseful posts , no one users try to enter into your blog. As for example : in some blog , there are some fake posts ,, you have used that but it didn't work then next time did you like to enter in that blog again , absulately not. Thats why you need to upload only the posts which are real and useful for users.
2. Add A Comment Box And Solve/Reply Users Errors.
To get more trusted to your users , you have to solve the errors of the users. Add a comment box so that your users can add their problem and you must solve their problems to be trusted in their view. You have to solve their problems with politeness so that they always think positive on you. After being a profession and knowledgeable in their view , if you upload any other new posts , your users always try to see your that post not ignore. So , it is also a very good way to add more and more audiences to your blog. If one of the user trusted on you and he/she may suggest their friends to join and be connected to your site. In this way , you can grow your audiences and make more and more trafficks. So , adding a comment box is also one of the best way to to grow made audiences.
3. Add A (Share/+1) Button Below Each Post.
Adding a share button below posts is very affirmative way to grow more audiences. If any one users enter in your blog and he likes your blog then hey !at share your blog to social medias like Google + , Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn and other. Many peoples can send your post to their friends or relatives if their friends or relatives asked for that. So to share your blog to many peoples and grow audiences , you must have to add a share button. Also add a +1 button to your blog so that your users can easily recognize your blog and add to Google + . You can also get many share options in Google Blogger Blog. Short method to add share button below your posts.
- Go To Blogger.com
- SignIn to your Google account
- Click on Edit on Blog Post Icon
- Tick for Share button
- Click On Save
- Finally , click on Save Arrangement
Now , you have successfully added share button and procedures to add +1 button :
- Go To Blogger.com
- SignIn to your Google account
- Click on add a gadget anywhere you want
- Add +1 button
- Finally , click on Save Arrangement
You have successful to add +1 button. So , adding a share/+1 button to your blog is also a best way to enlarge your blog.
4. Share Your Blog On Different Social Media.
It is one of the best and easiest way to grow more audiences. Like in Facebook , make your page and share the posts , which you have uploaded to your blog into your page. Then invited your Facebook friends to like and share your page. When your friends entered in your page , they see your posts and click there and your audiences will be increase.Another is Google + , Google Plus is also a media to share your passions throughout the world. You can also share your posts of blogger into different social media like Google + , Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn and others. Like wise Twitter , Instagram , LinkedIn and many more social media are available to share your ideas views , throats , opinions and blog. But before sharing , add some captions to that posts so that peoples take interest on your that post. So , friends sharing your blog to different social media is one of the best way to grow !ore audiences. I strongly recommend you to use this method of sharing on your blog to attract made and more users to your blog.
5. Sell Your Advertisement { Ads }
Selling your advertisment is also one of the expensive but best way to share your blog throughout the world. Many companies sold their company's ads to differend Advertisors/Publishers conpany to share their ads. When you will sold your ad to some companies like Google AdSense , Media.net , RevenueHits , BuySell Ads , the publishers upload your ad to their sited and when the publishers users click on his ad , your website is redirected. So , you have to pay to those companies according to ad clicks. So , it is best way because from different websites/blog , your website/blog is redirected. I didn't recomment you to use this process if you don't have big , real and useful website. If you have a big , good , Real and Useful blog , this method is best for you.Differend companies like simplesite is being popular because they have sold their ad to world largest ad company Google AdSense. You can login to such companies with advertisers id not with publishers id. Following companies are :
* Google AdSense
* Media.net
* RevenueHits
*BuySell Ads
In this tourtial , we have deal about how can we grow our audiences and make more trafficks. Why do we make a blog , to earn money and also to grow our small business. So , for both purpose , growing audiences is most important in both. There are such more reasoned i.e. hobbies , entertainment or time pass. No matter why you have owned a blog but your main aim must be more audiences and make highest trafficks. Meet you all in next post , for now , bye bye friends.